
Convey seeks to help communicators discover compelling human interest stories to enhance their speaking and writing.

The Problem

If you've ever sought to publically communicate an idea, whether spoken or written, you've likely wrestled with the challenge of finding powerful stories to help you communicate your message.
Some of the most effective stories for communication are human interest stories. They sharpen and clarify your argument while at the same time engaging your audience and drawing in their attention.
[In communication] you want to take an experience of some sort to relate to a principle. You begin to understand why human-interest accounts are usually the best illustrations. Human-interest accounts are ordinary or extraordinary people in ordinary or extraordinary situations with which ordinary people can identify.
Tell me about something ordinary or extraordinary that I can identify with. That principle that you want to make clear is now going to connect to my life. That is what we are trying to do.
- Dr. Brian Chappell

The Solution

In my experience as a communicator, the chief challenge of using powerful illustrations in communication is finding quality human interest accounts that pertain to your principle or idea. Convey seeks to facilitate this discovery and speed up your research process.
To that end, Convey allows you to search by thousands of different keywords to find human interest stories on that topic. At present Convey includes the 7,000+ fanastic human interest stories collected by Humans of New York. All rights belong to Brandon Stanton, it's creator. To help support his project, please note that Convey drives traffic to His site once you click on a story thumbnail.